Why Is Cremation Becoming More Popular in the US?

In 1960, only 3.6% of Americans chose cremation. The projected cremation rate for 2015 is astronomically higher at 48.2%. That’s a 1,238.88% increase in the number of people choosing cremation over a span of just 65 years. According to the National Funeral Directors Association, the projected cremation rate will continue to rise in the coming years, with 55.8% of Americans expected to choose cremation in 2020 and 70.6% in 2030.

Celebrities Choosing Cremation

Celebrities Choosing Cremation Cremation is a final needs option that’s becoming more popular today. It’s so appealing that even famous celebrities and their families choose it over traditional burial. The benefits of cremation simply cannot be ignored. With National Cremation, this service is affordable, simple, professional, flexible and environmentally-friendly. Here are five celebrities who have Continue reading

What To Do With Pets When their Owner Passes Away

If a pet-owning friend or loved one recently passed away, you may be faced with the question of what to do with the pets they left behind. Unfortunately, every year between 5 and 7 million companion animals enter animal shelters due to the death of their owners. Of these, approximately 3 to 4 million are euthanized (60 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats) when adequate homes cannot be found for them.

How to Write a Eulogy

While being asked to deliver a eulogy is an honor, the fear of speaking in public can be overwhelming. Talking about a difficult, stressful, confusing and painful subject like death can often make this fear worse. But take heart in the fact that you were asked to do this because of the close bond you shared with this person. You wouldn’t have been asked if the family didn’t trust you. Their goal is not to make you uncomfortable or make a display of your grief. They’ve asked you because they feel you are best suited to help everyone else say goodbye and remember the good times.

Digital Afterlife: What Happens to Internet Accounts When Someone Dies?

With death comes grief – and a host of other difficult decisions, mundane details and crucial choices. Among the many things you’ll have to deal with are how to access and/or cancel your loved one’s various online accounts and subscriptions. If your loved one has not left a list of usernames and passwords or clear instructions for what they want done with their accounts and who should be in charge of carrying out these final wishes, it can be difficult to know what to do or how to get control.